Peaceful Lake

Find Peace in the Storm

Have you ever read the story in the Bible when Jesus calms the storm? It’s found in Mark 4:35-41. It takes place at the Sea of Galilee which is said to be about 13 miles long and 8 miles wide, with mountains in the distance. I love how Jesus starts the story, it’s getting dark outside and Jesus says, “Let’s cross to the other side.” With human eyes it would seem this may not be the best option since it is getting dark. When Jesus asks us to do something, we have to remember he already knows the outcome.

Let’s dissect this story a little bit. In the boat with Jesus are experienced fisherman! This was their job, day in and day out. They have fished at night and in storms before. They are educated and experienced when it comes to water, winds, fishing and boats. Yet, when their boat began to fill with water due to the storm, you would think this was their first time as panic seeps in. Then the dramatic reply comes to Jesus…”Don’t you care…”

What a great reminder that you can have all the skills in the world, all the education but when a miracle is needed it has nothing to do with you. Why? Because you can’t take any of the credit. Jesus spoke to the winds and waves; he didn’t talk about them. He told them, “Peace be still.”

I encourage you to remember that God wants you to trust Him and His plans for your life! When storms come, God knows how to calm the winds and the waves. Choose to place your eyes on Jesus and not the chaotic swirl of storms around you. When you fix your eyes on Jesus you remain at rest and peace.