For Such a Time as This

Have you ever had one of those days when you thought, “Why am I here?” God has chosen each of us to play a specific role in life. It may not look like the “main role” in a play or movie, but you have a part. You have an opportunity to be a legend. All of us influence someone, the question is, who are you influencing and who is influencing you? If you are not sure who should be influencing your life, think about this: the people you listen to the most should be people who are most influenced by God.

Let’s look at a quick recap of Esther’s life. I’m sure her plans did not include her parents dying when she was a little girl, living in the king’s palace nor one day being married to a prideful king. I bet her plans also did not include risking her own life to stand up for her people and saving the Jews. Think about your life, I would guess that wasn’t what you wished for as a child, teenager or young adult either.

Did you know that God’s name is not mentioned in the book of Esther, yet God was with Esther and the Jews? God had wise people lined up for Esther to help her during this time in history. Esther didn’t have a choice in the year she was born nor the historical events that would take place in her lifetime. Yet she chose to take on the circumstances given to her and ensure greater good. Thousands of years later we are still talking about the positive impact she made!

Another point to remember from her story is Esther did not complete tasks all alone. She used the people and resources available to her. Always remember God has placed people in your life for a reason. Each person plays a role to help you along life’s journey. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; choose to be humble like Esther. Look to people who love God and will give you godly wisdom. Remember, you don’t have to go through life feeling like you are all alone. That’s what Satan wants you to believe. Let me encourage you, when you think you are all alone and God has left you, hold on! God is directing your steps even when they do not make sense right now.

Esther realized her role as queen and her role to save the Jews. She didn’t try to be something she wasn’t. Esther was humble and obedient. She also invited others to fast and pray during this journey. The tasks ahead of her were not easy and she had to be willing to take a risk; trusting God to come through and provide.

Esther 4:14 tells us “…Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

It’s your time, what is God calling you to do? Only you can answer His calling for your life; only you can fulfill the mission He has for your lifetime. He specifically chose this lifetime in history for you because He has great and amazing plans to change history for the greater good. I encourage you to trust God today, choose to be a change-maker and do your part to spread the love and goodness of God.